In today’s tech-driven world, safety and security are often two things that are hard to come by — particularly when looking at financial transactions like earnest money deposits.
Designed to alleviate the industry’s reliance on in-person, webbased and ACH transactions, ZOCCAM’s patented platform deposits earnest money directly from your clients’ smart device. Forego wasted time in bank lines, the hassle of cashiers’ checks, and risk of fraud with the security of ZOCCAM. Trusted by some of the nations largest title underwriters, banks, and real estate conglomerates, ZOCCAM puts the confidence back into your most delicate financial transactions.

- No use of ACH websites, which can be cloned and redirected
- Add a layer of protection when transferring funds
- Connect directly to banks via a secure file transfer protocol to deliver good funds
- Eliminate the hassle of mailing or delivering checks by hand
- Mitigate the risks of fraud or loss
- Mitek Mobile Verify® support
- Instant ID verification from mobile devices