Homeowners’ Associations (HOAs) are prevalent throughout Texas, serving as a cornerstone of community management and enforcing regulations that help maintain property values and community standards. However, the enforcement of these regulations can sometimes lead to disputes between homeowners and HOA boards. Understanding how to navigate these disputes effectively is crucial, not only for homeowners but also for real estate professionals who can leverage this knowledge to assist their clients and enhance their service offerings.

Understanding the Basics of HOA Disputes

Disputes can arise over various issues including, but not limited to, home modifications, property maintenance, and misunderstandings regarding HOA rules. The guide provided by Patten Title emphasizes the importance of understanding HOA rules thoroughly. This is the first critical step in effectively managing disputes. Real estate professionals should ensure their clients are aware of the community’s rules before purchasing a property, which helps in avoiding potential disputes from the outset.

Strategic Approaches to Resolving Disputes

The guide outlines several effective strategies for dispute resolution

Review and Understand HOA Rules

Before taking any action in a dispute, it is essential to fully understand the specific HOA rules involved. This may require reviewing the community’s bylaws and covenants, conditions & restrictions (CC&Rs). Real estate agents should guide their clients in obtaining and reviewing these documents, which are often provided during the home buying process by title companies like Patten Title.

Open Communication

Open and transparent communication with the HOA board is advised. Discussing the issues calmly and clearly can resolve many conflicts without the need for further escalation. Real estate professionals can assist by facilitating these discussions or advising their clients on the best approaches to communication.

Mediation and Third-Party Involvement

If direct communication does not resolve the issue, mediation might be necessary. Some HOAs provide third-party mediation services to ensure impartiality. Real estate agents can provide value by suggesting professional mediators who specialize in HOA disputes.


Keeping a detailed record of all communications, meetings, and decisions related to the dispute is crucial. These documents can be invaluable in escalating the dispute to legal action if necessary. Real estate professionals should advise their clients on how to properly document every interaction.

Legal Action as a Last Resort

Legal action should be the last resort due to its potential to damage community relationships and incur significant costs. However, if necessary, real estate professionals should be prepared to refer their clients to reputable attorneys who specialize in property and HOA law.

How Real Estate Agents Can Use This Information

Real estate agents can use their understanding of HOA disputes to add value in several ways:

  1. Pre-Purchase Consulting: Agents can advise potential buyers about the HOA’s reputation and the common disputes within the community. This can help clients make informed decisions and set realistic expectations.
  2. Resource for Current Homeowners: By understanding dispute resolution processes, agents can serve as a valuable resource for homeowners facing HOA issues.
  3. Networking and Community Building: Agents who are knowledgeable about HOA regulations and dispute resolutions can lead seminars or write informative blog posts, positioning themselves as community leaders and experts.
  4. Enhancing Listings: For properties under HOA jurisdictions, agents can highlight the benefits of effective HOA management and how it contributes to a harmonious community.


Navigating HOA disputes requires patience, understanding, and strategic communication. Real estate professionals equipped with this knowledge not only protect their clients’ interests but also enhance their reputation and service offerings, fostering trust and reliability. Encouraging proactive involvement in HOA meetings and understanding community rules can significantly mitigate the risks of disputes. By utilizing the comprehensive strategies outlined in Patten Title’s guide, real estate professionals can provide exceptional value to their clients, ensuring smooth and harmonious living in HOA-managed communities.

For a deeper understanding of managing HOA disputes and how you can assist your clients effectively, visit Patten Title’s Guide to Navigating HOA Disputes.