Moving homes is a significant life event that can be both exciting and challenging, particularly when children and pets are involved. As real estate professionals, understanding how to ease this transition can greatly enhance the service you provide to your clients. Patten Title is here to equip you with strategies to make moving less stressful for families, which you can pass along to foster better relationships and improve client satisfaction.

1. Preparing Kids for the Move

Visit the New Home

Before the move, take the children to see their new home and explore the neighborhood. Familiarizing them with the new environment can help ease anxiety and build excitement.

Agent Tip:

Organize a welcome tour for your clients and their families. Show them local parks, schools, and fun places to eat to help them visualize their new life positively.

Involve Kids in the Home Decision

When possible, involve children in the home selection process. Let them express their preferences for room selection or backyard features.

Agent Tip:

Create a checklist of “kid-approved” features for homes on the market and use this as a marketing tool to attract families.

Maintain Routine and Involve Them in Planning

Keeping routines consistent before and after the move can help reduce stress. Also, involving children in planning their room layout or color schemes can give them a sense of control and participation.

Agent Tip:

Provide clients with a moving calendar that includes specific tasks for kids, like packing their toys or designing their new room. This can be a fun project that also serves as a practical moving tool.

2. Managing Pet Stress During a Move

Pet-Proof the New Home

Before the move-in day, ensure the new home is safe for pets. Check for any potential hazards and secure fences and gates to prevent escapes.

Agent Tip:

Offer a checklist of pet safety measures for new homes. This can be a unique selling point that demonstrates your attention to detail and care for all family members.

Keep Pets Calm and Secure

On moving day, set up a quiet area with familiar items where pets can stay while the hustle and bustle of the move happens. This reduces their stress and prevents them from getting in the way.

Agent Tip:

Recommend that clients prepare an “overnight kit” for their pets that includes food, grooming tools, and toys to keep them comfortable during the first few days after the move.

Maintain Consistency in Routine

Try to keep your pet’s feeding, walking, and playtime schedules as consistent as possible during the move. Changes in routine can add to the stress pets may feel.

Agent Tip:

Advise clients to schedule moving activities around their pet’s routines. For example, suggest packing during their pet’s nap times or after a long walk when they are likely to be resting.

3. Post-Move Adjustment

Explore the Neighborhood with Kids and Pets

After moving, take time to explore the new neighborhood with your kids and pets. This can help them acclimate and feel more at home.

Agent Tip:

Create a welcome packet that includes information about local activities for kids and pet-friendly spots. This can help new residents feel connected and welcomed into the community.

Stay Connected with Schools and Veterinarians

If the move is local, keep in touch with your children’s schools and your pets’ veterinarian. If moving to a new area, research and establish connections with new educational institutions and veterinary services promptly.

Agent Tip:

Provide a resource list of local schools and veterinary clinics in the moving package you offer to clients. This adds tremendous value and reduces one of the significant stresses associated with relocating.

For Texas real estate agents, providing a service that extends beyond the sale and addresses the emotional and practical aspects of moving can set you apart from the competition. By utilizing these tips and sharing them with your clients, you not only enhance their moving experience but also build lasting relationships based on trust and thoughtful care. Remember, a stress-free move for kids and pets means a smoother transition for the whole family, leading to happier clients who are more likely to recommend your services in the future.